Unique Tools To Be Used For Paintings

Paintings always have the ability to create a different kind of illusion. These paintings can create an illusion that is so far off the reality or sometimes so close to reality that you actually feel it so dramatically. However, where is the mystery in all that? The mystery lies in the technique through which a painting is made. Yes, the vision of the artist is also there but it is the technique that actually enhances the mystery in the painting. Here are a few different techniques of painting that you will be shocked to hear about:

Knife Paintings

The Knife Painting was once just used to clean the paint off the palate. No one knew that it could be one of the major tools which will be used in the coming years for painting. The strokes with the knife were so distant and neat from the traditional painting that artists of the 20th century swear by it now. The palette knife blends the color on the wall so well that it can leave a mesmerizing effect on the painter. You can even create an Animal Painting with a knife.


Rollers have now become the soul of modern painting. They have the ability to bring the balance in the painting which cannot be achieved through the brush. Therefore, it is used by many people which includes immature painters too. it is a blessing for them as this roller is easy to use and brings out the depth of the color even more by giving composure to the wall. However, if you want to create an illusion, you have to be an expert. It takes a special technique to create a picture with a roller. You will not be able to create a Landscape Painting without a brush.


Another unique tool that has become more popular in the 20th century because it can be used easily. This is not very different from the knife but still is used. many experts are of the view that it can be used by amateurs and is not professional. However, children can use it instead of a knife. Though experts have not got their heads together to come up with a technique, still this tool is getting a lot of popularity.

Though brush is the best option but if you really want to make your painting dynamic, make sure to try different things. We are sure trying will not hurt and you will discover something new on the way.


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